Dalmuir Credit Union

Community Savings & Loans West Dunbartonshire
Welcome to

Dalmuir Credit Union, Clydebank

Offering loans, savings & debt management to people who live or work in our local community

Credit Unions

Credit unions are regulated financial service institutions in which people fund each other’s personal credit through their collective savings

  • Saving regularly together creating the pool of capital to lend to each other
  • Lending to each other at fair and reasonable rates of interest
  • Managed entirely for the benefit of, and service to its member shareholders, based on
    – The traditional values of co-operation and trust in one another
    – For the financial well-being of the community it serves, and
    – The value of people over profit


To open an account with us you must be resident in or working in the local authority area of West Dunbartonshire, be able to provide proof of your identity and place of residence and employment [if applicable]

You will need to visit the office to open the account. Please telephone the office to arrange an appointment or to receive any further information

CALL: 0141 952 3776
OPEN:: Mon – Fri 9.00am to 4.45pm